We had bought shelves at IKEA and misplaced some of the screws that came in the packaging.
Me: Do you know where the screws are?
Him: In the box I guess?
Me: What box, it doesn't come in a box. It's just wrapped in plastic.
Him: Then they are inside?
Me: What do you mean inside?
Him: Inside the package?
Me: They are not inside, there is no inside. What do you mean inside?
Him, raising his voice: I mean they are inside!
Me: Why are you getting angry?
Him: Because I have to repeat myself!
Me: Well if I don't understand what you mean then yes, you have to repeat yourself. You say they are in the box, there is no box. You say they are inside, there is no inside.
Him: I mean wherever they were when you got them out!
Me: They were in the plastic wrapping, which is now gone!
Him: I don't know where you put them!
Me: What do you mean me? We both opened it!
Him: No you did.
I eventually found them on a drawer.
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